Thursday, October 22, 2009

What I Wore Today....

Just when I thought I was done with frilly tops...Evie shows up. I had also wanted to try the streamers cami, but they really weren't for me. The streamers cami seemed to run a bit longer, and I wasn't really interested in sizing down to a 0 to try to get it to fit. So I kept the simple Evie, which is in the violet stone color. It's pretty, rich in color and I thought, wouldn't that look terrific with my honey glaze schoolgirl cardigan (cashmere) from last year? Some items are perfect when they go on final sale- the cardi was one of them!

Paired with my Ecru colored cords from last year (cords or my staple when it gets colder, and I love that they're a different color, other than my blue and black jeans. I do have a lot of cords and my most recent color was picked up at the outlet- I think it's some heather cypress color.

Black patent ballet flats and my trusty J.Crew Belle Satchel, my j.crew opera pearls, and think I did pretty well for not planning my outfit in advance.


  1. I love this color combo..that Evie plummy/purple is TDF in silk, isn't it?!

  2. Yes it is! I was lusting after some deep/dark eggplant coloring this season and the Evie in this color made the cut. Congrats, Evie, if I can only find you in my pile of clothes...


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