Friday, May 15, 2009

What I Wore Today....

It was a tough decision...but I kept the Pebble Belle Satchel. Didn't take too much arm twisting. The Shimmer Glimmer Glitter Cardigan didn't get much play last season (not sure why)--it seemed to go from the new section to the sale section super quick!- this is one of my favorite lightweight cardis, tissue thin with a subtle shine. I wore my bermudas to work (keep in mind, this is the first time I have ever done shorts + work), and had them hemmed because at 5'O", pants need to be hemmed, capris are perfect pants that don't need hemming, cropped capris are actual capris on me, and bermudas...well, they're like cropped capris. LOL. Don't get me wrong, I love being short- people like hugging short people, and patting us on the head when we do something good. :)


  1. I do not have that top, but something simialar. I never to know what to do with my bermudas!

  2. Lol !U have a great sense of style and humor

  3. Thanks. I'm naturally insane. I'm just lucky I remember how the jcrew mannequins look in the store!


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