Sunday, May 17, 2009

J.Crew Tulip Jacket in Fresh Strawberry

If you're looking for a bright addition to your closet, try the J.Crew Tulip Jacket in Fresh Strawberry, 100% linen, lined w/100% cotton. I have only one in each size (0, 4, 6, 8, 10), and polyvored some outfits to give you a few good ideas of what to wear with it!

Like it? Blog followers price: $65 shipped, must contact me first prior to purchase. Or, purchase via ebay, $85 shipped:


  1. I'm stalking this jacket on ebay (you're the seller of course) but the rarely cool/cold weather temps in South Texas keep me from making the purchase. Of course, when I decide to it will be gone. I'm still "stalking" though. ;-)

  2. Deprive yourself no longer! It's lightweight (and yes, TX is just not the North Pole)- just email me your price and I'll get this out to you tomorrow morning- I only have one of each listed size left!-!


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